Hit the water bout 7:30 this morning only to be greeted with a stiff easterly wind. This made it tough for trolling. Pulled 1/16oz jigs,caught fish anywhere from 9 fow to 20 plus fow.Jig color didnt seem to matter much today.Fished about three hours,thats bout all I could stand and I was gonna help Mom clean up at church.Kept 9 for the dinner table.All nine of them had what looked like full stomachs and one 11 inch fish had a shad close to three inches inside him,almost looked like it had eggs,couldnt make out what i was in the others.It looked like they may have fed early,they didnt bite as good today as yesterday. Found the better fish shallow,close to brush.Between that and the wind whipping I donated several jigs to the lake today,.Heres the take home

I also marked the spot with an X so I could find it when I make it back!!

C'mon guys,I know I wasnt the only feller fishing friday and saturday.Lets see some other pictures