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Thread: America Rising

  1. #51
    Cane Pole's Avatar
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    Flat, you and I both know that the "majority rules" is a misconceived idea.
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  2. #52
    David Waters's Avatar
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    here is what I truly believe from my heart, which is taught to me by my savior.

    The more you give, the more you get. The more you get, the more you give.

    Whatever you do. do not politicize this statement. It isn't about money, heealthcare, jobs, or taxes. It aint about that. Over the past couple of years, I have moved to the middle in my political veiws. I have seen both sides pull further away from each other, leaving America pretty much in the middle having to always pick the lesser of two evils. The system is so currupt it is vertually impossible to vote someone in that isn't part of either party..........or is it? It certainly is time.

    I want someone in office who believes what I believe in. If you need help, I will help you. It might be finding you a job, or buying you lunch, or giving you the shirt off my back. But it certainly wont be because of an affiliation to some freaking political party. It will be because I know it is the right thing to do.

    For whatever reason, we can no longer discuss issues in this country. Everything turns into a fight. Has everyone really gone that crazy as to not be able to see good in both sides on an argument? Does that make you a sell out? I think it makes you wise. Try it everyone. You might be surprised to find out your life can be better and more enjoyable.
    Shoals Area Crappie Association

  3. #53
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    Right on David. Very well said.
    We vote not for who we want but for the lesser of 2 evils.

    Yes Dong, I am the 12 generation living in the same place.

    I love America, I love my country I dislike people accepting 2nd place in the world. We can build it and design it better right here in the USA better than any other nation on earth. The country belongs to the people,

    "majority rules" is a misconceived idea. Is fundamentally an error, to think a few can rule the masses is not an American ideal. Our government represents us, whoever we are and that is a majority rule. Road Island has 2 senators as does California thus the same power and this is not about majority but about states rights, we are "United States" , but the majority of senators still is required to pass legistation.

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Waters View Post

    I want someone in office who believes what I believe in. If you need help, I will help you. It might be finding you a job, or buying you lunch, or giving you the shirt off my back. But it certainly wont be because of an affiliation to some freaking political party. It will be because I know it is the right thing to do.
    I can totally agree with all that said and your right to help whomever you want with however much you want and absolutely nothing I believe in or advocate would deny your right to those actions. I am apposed to you reaching into my pockets with the help of government coercion and taking from me to help those you deem needy. That is a violation of my rights.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Waters View Post
    Has everyone really gone that crazy as to not be able to see good in both sides on an argument?
    Just what good can you tell me about in the second elements of arguments like these;

    freedom vs slavery
    liberty vs tyranny
    healthy foods vs poison's
    Thomas Jefferson vs Hitler
    capitalism vs collectivism or socialism.
    “There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism—by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.” Ayn Rand

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs. Crappie Stalker View Post
    Interesting video. My recurring thought as I watched was, why didn't the people who voted for him pay attention and do some research before the election? I didn't really care for McCain, but Obama scared the heck out of me. It didn't take much to see the handwriting on the wall and to know that his radical associations, his lack of experience, his propensity to vote "Present" and his angry wife (just to name a few) did not add up to someone I wanted to see in the White House as our commander in chief.
    Yes I can see where that boogey man would scare the heck out of a lot of people. EB

  6. #56
    Cane Pole's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flatwater View Post
    Right on David. Very well said.
    We vote not for who we want but for the lesser of 2 evils.

    Yes Dong, I am the 12 generation living in the same place.

    I love America, I love my country I dislike people accepting 2nd place in the world. We can build it and design it better right here in the USA better than any other nation on earth. The country belongs to the people,

    "majority rules" is a misconceived idea. Is fundamentally an error, to think a few can rule the masses is not an American ideal. Our government represents us, whoever we are and that is a majority rule. Road Island has 2 senators as does California thus the same power and this is not about majority but about states rights, we are "United States" , but the majority of senators still is required to pass legistation.
    Majority rule is trumped by the constitution. Electoral college for instance.

    I am not a "constitutional lawyer". I read a lot.
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  7. #57
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    This from WikiAnswers - Did the founding fathers want democracy for all

    "Did the founding fathers want democracy for all?
    In: Founding Fathers
    As evidenced by the Federalists Papers, most of the founders wanted America to be a democracy. But, the fears of some, that democracy would turn into mob rule caused them to ultimately create a representative republic which, having some aspects of democracy, was the next best thing. And, the founders didn't intend for everyone to participate in governance, since only white property owners were then considered to be citizens.

    Democracy is a political system in which the true will of the majority of the governed becomes the supreme law of the land.

    This sounds great, until we realize it means that 51% of the population decides how the other 49% live. Thomas Jefferson, for one, detested democracy for this reason, because it invariably devolved into tyrannical rule and subjugation of individual freedoms of the few by the many. It also negates the concept of individual rights, replacing it with the slippery idea of government-supplied 'privileges' in favor of the "common good". The word 'democracy' is not mentioned anywhere in the Declaration of Independence or US Constitution.

    A constitutional republic, on the other hand, recognizes that rights are inalienable (i.e., they come from God and not Man) and thus cannot be revoked save by due process of law. For example, the US constitution did not create our rights but rather affirmed them. In a republic, the primary purpose of government is to protect the inalienable rights of life, liberty and property for its citizens.

    As elegant as these ideals were, the Founding Fathers were products of their generation. Women, children, and the landless had few if any rights. When they spoke of rights "for all men" they were referring to all, typically white European, land owners, aka 'free holders'. Several of the founders owned slaves, most famously Benjamin Franklin.

    Nevertheless, these men established an enlightened form of government whose powers were narrowly defined. Government was specifically limited to a handful of finite responsibilities. This was to prohibit those with power from immediately beginning to expand upon it and thus encroach on individual freedom. The Founders were so concerned that power would be usurped from the States (and by the extension, from the people themselves), that they drafted the first ten amendments (AKA Bill of Rights) to specify the unalterable rights never to be modified or limited by any future government of the Republic. Recent history will demonstrate whether this still holds true.

    Unfortunately, the gradual transformation of our nation from a constitutional republic to that of a simple majority democracy has led many Americans to believe it was "meant to be that way". This is no doubt why the Founders specifically required that the President swear a solemn oath "to protect and defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign or domestic." It was, and continues to be, the single most important responsibility of any US leader.

    “There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism—by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.” Ayn Rand

  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by deathb4disco View Post
    OK Beav, how does this sound? Let's wager our avatars and our signatures on the outcome. If the Republicans pick up seats, you must pick an avatar and a signature line of my choosing. If the Dems pick up seats, you can pick an avatar and a signature for me.

    And when I say "pick up seats", I'm talking net numbers in the House and Senate. So, if the Repubs pick up 10 House seats and lose 4 Senate seats, that's a net Republican win of 6 seats.

    Since the election is in early November, I propose that the loser must use the new avatar and signature from the day after the election until December 31, 2010 -- approximately two months.

    I've already got your avatar picked out:

    Attachment 35511

    I've got your signature picked out as well:

    Rush Limbaugh is my hero. He is truly a gift from God.
    sorry db4d, but being a true christian I can't accept your bet as you stated. That would be a lie and I don't lie if I can help it. I feel I am betting enough as my country is at stake. I am betting the health and well being of our citizens of this once great country. That I don't take lightly.
    A lot of you say your Christians but your actions say different. You want to decide who should get charity and you think you are a better judge of who gets your contribution than the Lord almighty. I give without restrictions and help whoever and whatever that needs help at any time. Anything I can do for my fellow human being I will do to the best of my ability without question. I let the Lord settle with the ones that take when they really don't need to. We saw all the people that got in line for the help from Katrina. Those are the lowest of low's to take away from the needy. They will get theirs on judgement day. EB

  9. #59
    David Waters's Avatar
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    I want to help people because I want to. I don't want people to tell me I have to, or to do it with my money without me deciding where it is going. I totally agree. I want a political leader to agree with this.

    Why would I argue about those things to start with? I don't remember reading anythything about those in this thread. That is the kind of thing I feel like the parties are doing, turning arguments into these kinds of things like Freedom vs. slavery, so that you have to decide. Either you are in, or you are out. That kind of stuff is driving me crazy. "you can't be a true conservitive if you think ......., or whatever"

    I feel like the two parties have gone in such two drastic directions to prove they are so much different from each other, trying to distance themselves from any thought that favors the other, that they forgot what they heck they are fighting about. The hatfields and McCoys.

    If you named all the people you respect form your life, say the top 3 most influential people, what kind of charecter traits would they have? I am not talking about idols on tv, or presidents. I am talking about people you know, or knew personally?
    The three men I hold in highest esteme had these traits.

    1. Godly 2. steadfast in their beliefs 3.forgiving 4. family first 5. understanding 6. rock solid in times of tragedy 7. would give you the shirt off their back if you were in need

    Those are the kinds of things I wnat to be. Those are the traits I try to live every day. And, nothing politcal about these things. Nothing.
    Last edited by David Waters; 01-09-2010 at 07:21 PM.
    Shoals Area Crappie Association

  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eager Beaver View Post
    sorry db4d, but being a true christian I can't accept your bet as you stated. That would be a lie and I don't lie if I can help it. I feel I am betting enough as my country is at stake. I am betting the health and well being of our citizens of this once great country. That I don't take lightly.
    A lot of you say your Christians but your actions say different. You want to decide who should get charity and you think you are a better judge of who gets your contribution than the Lord almighty. I give without restrictions and help whoever and whatever that needs help at any time. Anything I can do for my fellow human being I will do to the best of my ability without question. I let the Lord settle with the ones that take when they really don't need to. We saw all the people that got in line for the help from Katrina. Those are the lowest of low's to take away from the needy. They will get theirs on judgement day. EB
    I can only wish to be as good as my dog thinks I am

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