This contest is being posted on both the Mississippi forum and the Missouri forum. The winner must be from one of those states, but entries can be posted on either board. Winner gets a $25 gift card AND $100 will be donated to on behalf of that state's forum. Winner will be announced on Monday, February 10th (30 days). Winner will be selected by a panel of judges (my wife and kids) and entries will be anonymous to preserve partiality.

So what we're looking for are your colloquialisms.....your idioms....your vernacular....

Those sayings that you use every day to best express your meaning.

For example:

"It's colder than a well digger's butt!"

"My live well has been as dry as a popcorn fart."

"My boat motor was shaking like a dog pooping a peach pit!"

"Monty's coveralls smell so bad they'd knock a buzzard off a gut pile!"

Get the idea? For best results, use in a sentence.

Best of luck, and may the best state win!!