This lake is at Airways and Stateline road. Up until 2 weeks ago I have been seeing people using the boat ramp that is between the city park and golf course. This is city owned property. The lake is about 40 acres. There are about 25 houses on 1 side of the lake that are waterfront. The dam has got to be city maintaied because it is part of the flood control for the area. The water is from storm drain run off.City owned. Someone has put posted signs at the boat ramp and on a pole 20ft from shore. When I saw the signs I had to stop and look. These signs are the ones you can buy at most stores. Nothing official like the signs put out by the city stateing park hrs and such 200ft away.
I was bummed out because this going be my "spot" for the new pond prowler I ordered the week before the signs went up.
Well I got to checking and lookng thru goggle and found old post of people saying that it was private years ago.I looked thru goggle maps and found that the area where the park is was houses at one time. Someone posted that you had to have permission from a home owner in the subdivision.
This all sounds like b/s to me. Since the sign is a for sale to anyone item and on the bottom where it say's name and address someone wrote in a black sharpie "Desoto Co. Sherriffs dept" It looks like one of those " Don't fish in front of my dock deals like you see on you tube. I searched for a HOA for the greenbook subdivision and found nothing. I searched for homes for sale in the area and there is no mention of fees or lake privilages. So the best I can come up with is this lake belongs to the 25 or so home owners.
This area has a lot of growth at this time. The houses are at least 30 yrs old. My lot for my house about 4 miles away and not in a commerical area was $35,000 for 1/8 of a acre 15yrs go.. The 40 acre lake has got to have a property value of at least 1.5 millon easy. I wonder who is paying tax on this. Since the homes on 1 side of the lake claim prperty rights all the way across the lake the people on the other 3 sides do not even have access.
The people that live across the street from these owners would have to drive to the city park for access and park on city property.
I have sent e-mails to the city and Desoto co to see if they have any idea who owns what. It was my undersanding that property rights end at the shore line unless you own all of the way around the lake.