Well to say the weather has been hot is a severe understatement, but here goes with a report. I am gonna sound like a broken record with this but the fish on Woods are in the usual deep spots in the channel. The fish at Normandy are sporatic. Hit and miss here and there with the most luck very early or very late in the creek channels leading into the main lake. Tims is as usual. The fish are like us, they hang around for awhile, then when it gets hot they look for a shady spot to get out of the sun, so docks are the key. Woods depth is 24 to 30, Normandy is 15 to 24 and Tims is 10 to 28. Hope this helps. Yall hang on, cause fall is coming soon I hope. Getting alot of use out of the camper and I hope to wear it completely out soon.Thumbs UpFATBOY