Ragnar, I not trying to rain on your efforts here but I think that this is not a good idea. I have things to tell contestants before tournaments, and I do not want anyone who is interested in my tournaments thinking that this is part of the tourny. I know that there is nothing more irritating to me than someone hassling me about coming to worship with them or going to worship with them if I want to go worship I will do so on my own time I do not need to wear it on my sleeve for everyone else to see, it is my personal decision and no one else's and if your at the tournament I am going to assume you are there to fish. Ragnar, I am not sending this by PM, not to call you out, but so everyone knows my stance on this. If you want worship and prayer it is a free country and you may do it when you feel the need and whoever would like to join you may do so I would never disqualify anyone for doing so but the tournament starts when I'm ready to launch not when service is over. If you miss an announcement because you couldn't here me over the singing, than I'm sorry. Please don't take this as I don't want you at our tournaments that is not the case we enjoyed you being there last year and would enjoy you coming again this year.

Hope to see you there,