Sitting right now in Lewes, Delaware. Bad thing is....if you will scroll down on the main will notice there is not even a Delaware board here on this site. Guess that will tell you something. Good news is, I am about 1/4 mile from the water. Bad news is, this town was established in 1631 and the streets are still just about as narrow as they were back then, so we only have parking for one vehicle where we are living. Good news, Sheryl walks about 80 yards to the hospital across the street to work. Bad news, I will have to find (and pay for) storage for both my truck, boat/trailer if I decide to fly back to florida and get them. Good news, they got some really good one way deals on flights right now..........and the pros and cons go on and on. Still undecided if I will fly down. From all the fishing reports and with talking with local people, the real good fishing does not happen till march-may. Sort of missed the boat on that one unless I go 15-20 miles off shore. Those of you who have seen/been in my rig knows I am pushing my luck with my 6-9 mile limit I have set on myself.
So, since we have only been here a week, and have only talked to a limited number of people, will wait a while, keep asking questions and keep the ears open then make a decision in a week or so. Know that it is not as hot up here as it is down there, but these people think it is. Kinda funny that is too. When it hits 90, these people are pantin like dogs lookin for shade and I am just warming up enough to get moving.
Know I am just running off at the mouth, but have missed you guys and wanted to let all know we are still alive and the Penciltuckians did not do us in on our way through Gettysburg. Will keep checking in now and then to see if anyone has melted and if the fishin has got any better. Has the lake levels dropped very much?? Just wondering.