My little boy, 5 yo, is a fishing machine already. It took alot of trial and error, patience, frustration, etc ( I started teaching him casting lures at 3 yo), but now at 5 and change, he stands on the back deck of the boat, casting jigs, catching fish all on his own. I only have to stop to untangle the occasional birds nest. He's crazy about fishing. The little girl is reeling the fish in as of now, and we practice casting in the back yard. She's coming along, but not quite ready yet. My pops taught me on ultralight spinning gear at the age of 5 or so, and I'm continuing the tradition.

On a separate note, I've been pretty impressed with the crappie on the Potomac. I've found a spot, but I think its only the tip of the icerberg so to speak. I'm looking forward to posting more reports. I've been a member of for a while now, posting on other state boards (active duty military), and I've found nothing but good people in the crappie fishing community.