I would like to make a suggestion from this momment forward on bash poles that also in the sticky make our one and only new bash rule that after the poll closes, that the date decided on stays no matter what. Whatever the weather, or speculation of the bite or the moon/spawn or whatever. It causes too much confusion and in worse case scenerios which unfortunatly has been witnessed on a few occasions, causes hard feelings between members.

Please Do not take offence to My comments if You have in the past made a suggestion to change a date. I have a neutral opinion to both sides of the argument to change or not to change. I see both sides. I make this as a suggestion to head off any problems in the future for members/New members. This seems to be something that will reoccur in the future if We do not address it now once and for all. If someone wants to put this up as a pole, thats fine with me.

Just to simplify My suggestion is to Make one hard rule for Bashes from now on. Once the date has been settled on, then that is a hard date that can not be reopened to suggestion. It is set in stone. This allows everyone to make set plans without worrying about the date becoming fluid on them. If weather is bad that weekend, then it will be up to member's personal decision on whether they will participate or not. If there is a bad weather event that causes low to no turn out, then it is what it is. Maybe a rain out date could be set or use the second highest voted on date following the set date. If the set date is the last date on the pole, then have an emergency pole for the following weekend or just flat cancellation. Try again next year.

There should be no reason for cause of hard feelings between members with something as small an issue as his. No one involved with any of the before incedences meant to raise a stink and just thought it was a good idea at the time for whatever reason. It has caused issues with other members for whatever reason. Lets just remove this issue from the equation. Will make things a lot simpler and final. Just a suggestion. I have not noticed this being done yet and if it has just disregard this post. And again, I hope no one takes this as a personal attack. Just making a suggestion as to dodge any future problems.CF