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Thread: House Bill HB2615

  1. #1
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    Default House Bill HB2615

    The main reason I am writing this is because I have seen some negative stuff about this guy. That he was just trying to line his own pockets with our fees. Or that he was just another politician trying to gain power over the TWRA. Or god forbid was trying to get the state to take over the TWRA. Now I don't know this man, never met him. But I like to know what I am talking about - so I do the work to find out.

    I have looked into this bill (HB2615) which is sponsored by Rep Kent Williams. I have spoken to Kent about the bill and what his plans are for it. The guy is straight up and an outdoorsman to boot. All the bill does at this point is establish a committee to study improvements that can be made to the TWRA. Which incidentally, according to Rep Williams, will be broke by 2011. They will raise fees next year (8%) and the next (8%) and the next (5%) to keep up with expenses. He is saying that we need to do something now. And I agree with him. If we don't you can bet it will not turn out good for us. His main concerns were wildlife officers and training for them, stocking programs for NE TN including crappie, the ridiculous length limit change from 12" to 18" on small mouth and having more hatcheries in our area. He explained in detail to me, how the TWRA is funded. We want to have a say in how that money is spent and managed. He does not have a plan to turn the TWRA over to the state. He is forming a committee of good people to perform the study and make recommendations. The way I see it - this can only help. If you want to see the bill or contact your rep to tell them to support HB2615 to study ways to improve the TWRA, go to click on "house" then "members" then scroll down to Kent Williams and click on the paper/pencil symbol on the right - then click on HB2615 to monitor progress. You can find your rep on that list and the phone number to contact them.

    Hey I'm no political activist - I'm probably as far from that as anyone can be. But this effects a sport I love and one that I want my kids to be able to enjoy, and be able to afford to do. Forgive me if I have crossed the line for this great message board. I just felt like this was the right thing for me to do.

    Last edited by The Crappie Killer; 02-28-2008 at 04:02 PM.

  2. #2
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    I Hope Everything Works Out For Your State . I Know I Would Be In A Panic If I Thought Alabama Was About To Lose Part Of Its Great Fishing. Good Luck

  3. #3
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    Well it sure sounds like a good idea to me. I am not sure just how much TWRA takes in, but I would guess its a few boat loads of cash, yet I have seen no improvements at all to our launch sites. The road into Shady Grove is full of potholes, the Douglas Dam ramp is somewhat dangerous during low water conditions, the dock at the Dandridge ramp is completely out of the water at times, there are no trash cans or porta-potties. And the ramps on Cherokee are no better.

    I was really impressed with the facilities in NC. Their launch sites are first class. We could have that here if the TWRA had better management. They would not have to raise fees if not for all the new center consoles boats and all the new trucks they have bought.

    The only times I see any TWRA officers checking fish is usually during peak crappie time. They sit at the top of Swanns and check a few there.

  4. #4
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    I have not seen this but thanks for posting. I have a lot of respect for the TWRA and have known some of the officers in the past. I think maybe the idea of this bill is good, without a lot of research. My only concern is how the committee is set up and what is the life span. If this guy is as good as you say and an outdoorsman that is great. What happens when is retires, or whatever? Does the committee go on? If all they do is make recommendations then it doesn't really matter. If the TWRA takes the recommendations or not there should be some mechanism for us, outdoorsmen, to know what was proposed and what was adopted.
    It is my understanding that TWRA operates only on money collected from license and fees. Then federal funds kick in for some things. That gives them a good deal of autonomy. If it gets to the point that they start taking money from the general fund my concern is that a lot of people who don't care about fishing and hunting will start snooping around and who knows what will happen.
    Anyway that is a lot of questions and since I have no answers I'll shut up. Again, thanks for going to the effort, and tanks for the post and talking to this guy. If we don't know what is happening we will get blind sided.

    A day late, a dollar short and two drinks behind.

  5. #5
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    The state in my opinion should turn all that TWRA does to the private sector. It is proven that private business is run twice as effieciently and spends less to do more than any government agency. No red tape no lobbing none of the beuaracratic BS. A private company or agency what ever you want to call it would listen to our (THE SPORTSMAN) ideas because they are looking to make some sort of profit to stay in business. The old adage should hold true; The customer is always right. Now I know I am going to get ripped for this, but I would like to see more officers out on patrol and more bioligist listening to people who are actually in the field consistantly and TWRA just doesn't have the staff to do it and the state is not going to give it to them. I don't have all the answers, but just an idea that I believe will work.

  6. #6
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    Well if a private company takes over, get ready for $20 launch fees, $10 to park your rig and $100 fishing license

  7. #7
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    I am just a small voice here on this board, but Dirtdobber makes sense. Government is wasteful, spends money without any fear of oversight by the tax payers, thus they can't be trusted. A private organization would have better and more efficient methods, saving overall, our tax monies. They would at least be under a oversight committee of our government. This would be better if some citizen at large members were a part of that committee, to be a spoiler against the likely corruption of elected officials.

    I too, don't like seeing the ramps and lakes looking like they do. But other than us sportsmen, the general boater population do little to help police the water. I see, not just trash in the water and around the ramps but people actually tossing trash onto the water or at the ramps with out any thought of the consequences that they are doing to our great resources.

    At the same time, while I would like to see more patrols on the water, I'm against the increase of our permits and licenses. If they would patrol more effectivley now, they could collect untold fines for the littering and drunkeness, that are clearly an issue of lawlessness now. While we who are spending quality time are apparently going to be the first to be hit for higher fees. And I think that most, if not all of us as fisherman, have seen what I have mentioned, so its not a stretch to say that we should enforce the laws that are in effect and place fines and jail time on those type of actions that are clearly the problem, and can be solved by enforcement.
    Increased fees won't stop rising, unless we take a stand and contact our represenitives.

    Just my 2 cents worth.

  8. #8
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    Charger, I am not picking on you personally, but didn't you say the ramps you use are dangerous, out of water etc.? If you hunt your license is already over $100.00 (sportsman or equivalent) and we don't have a say in what that money is used for. TWRA says fees are going up and they will still be broke by 2011. It is up to us as a group of outdoorsman to make any changes, because our wonderful politicians are not going to help us. I would be interested to know when the last time the heads of TWRA gave themselves a raise.

  9. #9
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    Default Update on the Jones / Marrero bill

    Here is the proposed bill from Sherry Jones and Beverly Marrero. This is the one Bob Hodge was talking about in his article from Knoxville. These are the "triggerwomen" he was referring to. The bill Rep Willaims is proposing would combat this crazy idea from Jones and Marrero. Email your reps, tell them you don not want them to vote for HB2856 but you would rather them support HB2615 from Rep Williams.

    I'm afraid that if all the TWRA money starts going into the General Fund for the state, bad things will happen.

    I'm still trying to educate myself on the subject. But at least Rep Williams is trying to form a committee of upstanding, informed, responsible people to study the current system, find out what's wrong with it and make sound recommendations with regards to moving forward and reforming the TWRA.

    *HB2856 by *Jones S, *Borchert, *Tidwell, *Pinion, *Shepard, *Litz, *Yokley, *West, *Lundberg, *Pruitt, *Niceley, *Brooks H, *Johnson C, *Sontany, *Coleman. (SB2914 by *Marrero B.)

    Environment and Conservation, Department of - Transfers duties of wildlife resources agency to department by creation of division of wildlife resources. - Amends TCA Title 3; Title 4; Title 68; Title 69 and Title 70.

    Fiscal Summary for *HB2856 / SB2914
    Not Available

    Bill Summary for *HB2856 / SB2914

    This bill creates the division of wildlife resources within the Tennessee department of environment and conservation, abolishes the Tennessee wildlife resources agency, (TWRA) and transfers all duties, responsibilities, and functions of the TWRA to the division of wildlife resources.

    Present law requires that all money sent to the state treasury in payment of licenses, advertising, contraband, fines, penalties, and forfeitures arising from the wildlife resources laws of Tennessee be deposited into the wildlife resources fund. Under present law, all expenses incurred by the TWRA must be limited to the amount of money in such wildlife resources fund. Also, the TWRA's budget must be approved by the wildlife resources commission.

    This bill abolishes the wildlife resources fund and the wildlife resources commission. Under this bill, all money received by the division of wildlife resources in payment of licenses, advertising, contraband, fines, penalties, and forfeitures arising from the wildlife resources laws of Tennessee would be deposited into the general fund.

    Under this bill, on July 1, 2008, all rules and regulations issued or promulgated by the TWRA would remain in full force and effect and would thereafter be administered and enforced by the division of wildlife resources. All proposed rules of the wildlife resources agency pending with the attorney general and reporter or secretary of state, unless withdrawn, would continue their status as proposed rules until becoming effective as rules of the division of wildlife resources. The division of wildlife resources may adopt, issue, or promulgate new orders, rules and regulations, decisions, or policies necessary to administer the programs or functions transferred from the TWRA to the division of wildlife resources. Also, the director of the wildlife resources division would assume any remaining duties assigned to the TWRA on and after July 1, 2008.

    NOTE: Section 2 of this bill deletes TCA Section 70-1-201 (the creation of the wildlife resources commission) but retains other references to the commission throughout TCA. Also, Section 3 of this bill deletes the statutory authority for the creation of the TWRA and Section 9 deems references to the TWRA to be references to the division of wildlife resources, but this bill does not delete the provisions of TCA that refer to the executive director of the TWRA (who is appointed by the commission) nor does it revise other references in TCA regarding transfer of certain responsibilities from the department of environment and conservation to the TWRA (so, once revised these provisions would reference a transfer of responsibilities from the department of environment and conservation to the division of wildlife resources of the department of environment and conservation).

    NOTE: Section 7 purports to transfer all duties, responsibilities, and functions of the state board of education to the department of education

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