Met up with Uncle Remus at 6 am this morning to do some perch fishing. 6:20 we were on fish. Only bad thing the bite was slow. My guess was it was a full moon all night ands they were full or tired from chasing shad. We found large schools and only a couple would hit. Other than that it was due to all the rain we had. We had numerous throw backs all morning and only tried to keep a few for me this time out. Brought home 25 mid size perch, two green carp and three crappie. Fish chilled for a few hours on ice and now already cleaned and soaking in some salt for tomorrow nights meal. No! I did not take pictures and I know Remus did but hasn't sent them to me. So don't shoot the messenger. Very hot out there after 9 am and we had the river to ourselves. Maybe five boats all morning. Water was 85.6, flat water until around 11 am then the wind visited us. !2:30 we were off the water and on wheels to head home. Like I said it was a great day with Uncle Remus fishing our great lake. Thanks Uncle Remus !