I fished Clarks Hill most days of last week. I planned to branch out a bit, but pretty well wound up staying to one creek area most of the week around mid-lake. I had decent luck most days long lining and catching about 12-15 keepers in the 10 in to 15 in range. Nothing really huge. Blue seemed to be the color of choice, but to be honest, after it seemed like that was the color, I switched to it and fished it heavy the rest of the week. I had to fend off a ton of small hybrids. I call them piranha hybrids. Crappie still had eggs, but I got the feeling they had laid most of them. Caught most in about 10 to 12 feet of water near brush. Got the idea I could just vertical jig the brush and do as well but apparently I am not very good at it as I could only catch them trolling. Besides, smaller fish seemed to be directly on the brush while bigger fish were just in the area of it. Also bass fished some (sorry). A ton of bass in the shallows, but not much size, mostly 2 lbs and less. Overall, a pretty fun week.