I started at daylight with HEAVY fog and had to navigate strictly by GPS (which is something that scares me and I dont like it). Anyway, rode for 15 minutes at idle speed getting to my first spot and nadda....nothing happening. Good part was that after fishing there maybe 30 minutes the fog had lifted in that area so I thought all was well everywhere. WRONG! When I came out of that creek it was still blanketed with fog so thick I couldnt hardly tell where I was going. With no bank visible and nothing but gray I was again relying solely on electronics. Arg! For another long idling boat ride (atleast 15 minutes) I felt like I was constantly turning right but actually I was going straight.) Anyway, finding water again trash-free I decided to drop lines and see if anything would bite while waiting for the fog to lift. It was slow but started picking one up every now and then. I stayed at it for awhile and eventually the sun started burning the fog off so I headed back towards the way I came. Still picking one up every once in awhile. By the time I trolled back to the trashline the fog was almost gone and the breeze that blew had removed the trash so fishing was still possible.

Instead of packing it in I continued fishing. I started picking up a few more fish so I just kept trolling. Well, at 12:30PM I decided to quit as I hadnt did anything but fish since I was off work. Todays weather was VERY FOGGY but the temps were nice and the wind was non-existant for the most part. Caught alot of fish...total was 41 crappie but the problem was most were small. I only had 1 fish over the 8"-10" average size I was catching. Well, didnt really matter since I had caught those big fish the day before. Late in the morning I did decide to keep me a few to eat off the bone.

Nothing picture worthy today guys. Trip was fun as usual and cant wait to do it again.