I figured I'd pose this question to everyone to see what the general consensus is. For years me and many of my fishing buddies have wondered about the creel limit on Clark's Hill for crappie. Georgia's limit is 30 per person and South Carolina's limit is 20 per person. You can fish the lake with either state's fishing license legally. It's not like Lake Wylie....I've always abided by the law in the state I hold my license (SC) regardless of whether I'm fishing GA or SC waters... I've heard some folks say that it depends on where you fish i.e. if you are fishing in SC keep 20, in GA keep 30 no matter your license. I've always said it's dependent on which state's game warden checks you as to which laws they are checking you by. If I were to catch 30 in GA and then transport them back into SC, I could be in trouble if I encountered a game warden on the way home. Plus, I don't feel like there's an argument to be had if you possess a SC license, but here's the rest of the story....

A friend a mine was fishing in SC waters yesterday and happened to be fishing next to a man and wife from GA. They had a GA license, a GA registration, and GA plates on their truck. A SC game warden checked them and they had 48 fish in the boat. They were under the impression they could keep 30 per person, but instead they were ticketed a hefty fine and their fish were taken. The game warden told them it was 20 per person in SC. I believe they have a legitimate argument to make, but they were on the SC side. What is everyone's thoughts?

P.S. several years ago I posed this very question to 3 SC game wardens at the Sportsman's Classic and none of them could give me a straight answer. I don't plan on ever keeping over 20 per person in my boat, but I would like to know what the rule actually is. Is it your license or the side of the river you are on?