After buying a heat gun and building a fluid bed that only uses a coffee filter & that had another issue or 2 that needs correcting, I made a second attempt at painting some of the jig heads that I wasn't satisfied with from the first attempt. The heat gun is a Wagner from Home Depot with 2 settings, 750 & 1000 F. I used the 750 setting and heated the jig heads and then dipped them in the powder paint in the make-shift fluid bed and the results was surprising better than the first attempt. I think I may be on to something there. And then, I've been on the road all day today, but when I got home, I found that the mailman had delivered 4 cups from TJ Tackle today. I haven't had a chance to try them out, of course, but maybe this Friday (my day off when I can get it) I'll get a chance to put them to work for me. Thanks to all of you who have helped me thus far.