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Thread: Question: why is it that some anglers look down on pan fishermen

  1. #51
    skeetbum's Avatar
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    Good to see you Jawja, it’s been a while.

    I think I’ve already posted a couple of times but the conversation moves on. I have no issues with catching smaller greenfish but like many others they get cut loose. To me, there is little that raises my heart rate faster than fish boiling on a school of bait. Throw a bait in the middle, plastic or whatever, and the line comes tight. THAT is a great feeling. Where I lived in Tennessee that happened every morning in some places. I asked a shorebound fisherman once what was in “ the jumps”. He said “ well so far it’s largemouth, smallmouth, crappie, whitebass, and a small striper”. I don’t care who you are or what you’re fishing for, that’s just great fishing!! When the circumstances dictate, I’ll change up and go after what’s workin at the time. But I have to say I’ll probably still be throwing something way too light at em.
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  2. #52
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    Yeah, skeetbum, when they boil up by the boat, I throw my jig right in the middle! I can't help myself. Thats how I broke my AG Slow taper special rod - I was fighting a bass on another UL rod, and somehow the jig on the sts got into the trolling motor (I was spot-locked). Snapped the tip right off. Can't really blame the bass, I threw at 'em.
    "Alive without breath, as cold as death; never thirsty, ever drinking, all in mail never clinking."
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  3. #53
    Tradbow is offline Crappie.com 1K Star General * Crappie.com Supporter
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    I can’t pass schooling fish. It’s not that I’m weak…… well maybe I am. Fill the live well quick if so inclined. The bucket biologist turned spotted bass loose in my home lake. They get a free ride to my home.

  4. #54
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    What the pro-wannabe's don't get are the exceptions to every rule they never learned when it comes to fishing. Nature astounds me every time I catch fish or I'm outside watching wildlife do its thing. This year I've had deer in the back yard, heron, ducks and Canadian geese in my pond. (..got remember to shoot the air rifle every time I see that d*** heron that left a bass carcus - head only - on the shore. Don't worry, gun unloaded.) This was in mid March! None of it ever happens that early in the year.

    Same for the sunnies that come to me in spring, summer and fall to feed on bits of white bread every day and follow me around the shore line as I'm casting test lure designs toward the middle. I guess color doesn't matter when they go nuts bumping heads, going after those little starchy balls - every day - another oddity of nature that defies what fish eat. Must be like junk food to those fish yet perch, crappie and bass visit but don't partake....

    Note: I bet if I made tiny white soft plastic balls and rigged them on small hooks, I could catch a bunch from the school any day, anywhere. Course I couldn't do that to my pond fish that I almost have names for.

    Catching tiny fish on baits almost as large as they are, and giant fish on the smallest of lures, always blows me away! Recently another event left me shaking my head.

    I used to only fish for bass, slowly jigging jigs off bottom which worked 75% of the time, the other 25%, swim-type lures. Well, the sunnies that follow me around my pond were in 3' and the water was clear enough to see the bottom. For ha-ha's I jigged a small grub twice off bottom and a large sunnie grabbed it on the second hop. Who knew panfish would go after slowly bottom-jigged lures like bass do which attack much larger bottom-bouncing lures?!!

    All I got say to those gents with their $60K bass boats and $50k trucks to tow them is, smell the roses (while you still can) and appreciate nature in all its oddity, though not odd at all to wildlife where it all makes sense.
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  5. #55
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    Well said Spoon. I’ve told folks for a long time to go out and sit on a bucket in the woods about two hours before daylight. As the sun begins to brighten the sky and vision becomes possible, you will get to see the woods come to life and begin its day. You need nothing the first time, but you will wish for a camera. I can go on for a long time telling of what I’ve seen that never knew I was there. Great memories these many years later. The same is true on the water. I have to go alone for the real experience because I’ll have to talk to whoever I go with and that just doesn’t work. These folks That run their stereos up loud and run breakneck speed from spot to spot just don’t get it and aren’t worth the conversation most times. I’ll stop rambling and let someone else step in. I get like that sometimes.
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  6. #56
    Tradbow is offline Crappie.com 1K Star General * Crappie.com Supporter
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    Not rambling just telling the truth. I love to just sit and watch the water and listen to what I call pond music. The smells associated with the pond just brings an ambiance to the whole experience.
    my home is surrounded by woods and wildlife. I can relax and go to sleep quickly sitting against a large oak tree.
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  7. #57
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    Sounds like a great place to nap
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  8. #58
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    Yesterday, fishing was tough . Water looked like chocolate milk.
    After an hour or so of no luck casting and retrieving, I switched to a more relaxing way of fishing.
    Jig and bobber .
    I went to a tiny jig with a snap on bobber so I could cast and slow retrieve without putting any added action to the jig .
    What a relaxing way to fish and enjoy the beautiful weather we had yesterday.
    Some folks wouldn’t understand how I could enjoy spending time in such a manner.
    Their loss !
    “ The bigger the Bend , the Wider the Grin ! “
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  9. #59
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    People may outfish me but no one will out fun me. Fortunately I have not had the issues being discussed. I figure jerks are just jerks...be they bass fisherman...crappie fisherman...trout fisherman. I have had the opposite when dealing with bass guys in very high dollar boats. Many of them over the years have come up to me on the water....or on the ramp parking lot, admiring and complimenting on my boat. Never could figure that one out. I men these guys are in 70-100 grand rigs and they are all gaga over my boat. I've even been pulled over several times by different law enforcement officer just to check out my boat...LOL. My boat ain't much...well actually I don't own the boat anymore...but it is pretty simple rig. But my point is the overwhelmingly majority of people I have run into on the water have been very nice. And I find the older I get the more courteous folks are to me...I guess getting old has some advantages...LOL

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  10. #60
    Tradbow is offline Crappie.com 1K Star General * Crappie.com Supporter
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    You sir are correct.

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