Quote Originally Posted by clove100 View Post
I usually set my distance at 20 ft and have just started setting the depth at a constant so that it doesn't "hunt". I'm sure I'm fishing crappie because occasionally I catch one and I can tell whether they're shad or crappie I think. Just more practice and gotta go more. At least now I know that there's fish or now where I'm fishing. I'm truly amazed at this thing.
Many days this winter I have needed to get the fish's attention and then pull it away from them to get them to bite consistently. One of the huge advantages of LS is I am able to see the image of the fish shift as the posture of the fish changes when they turn to look at the jig. When they just look at my jig and don't bite, I start to experiment to find what type presentation they want. They usually react to a slow short 12 inch pull away from them. However, I have also had days where it needed to be quickly yanked away from them to get them to bite, but always they have to see it first. Earlier in the fall it was best to cast past them and let it swing by the fish in its natural falling arc. Because you can see every fish and can put your jig on their noses you have plenty of opportunity to experiment and find what they will react to. Don't just drop it and hold it in front of their noses indefinitely, that has only worked for me on very few occasions. Good luck!