And I miss MS already! Ain't no trees or nuthin but tumble weeds and rocks! Oh well, the mountains sure is purdy! Got here labor day weekend and had a new job on tues! All is well with the missus and 4 youngins! They all love it out here! They done made new friends and such. I just got to learn the fishin holes and huntin places and then I will be ok with it. Folks out here sure are nice! Ever body helps out when needed. Neighbors came and helped unload all the stuff and showed us round town. I even see folks stopin to help change flat tires! Things like that USED to happen in MS. Not no more. Too many bad folks causin everbody to be afraid, like I was. Anyway, just wanted to let everbody know we got here safe with no problems. Also, don't let nobody tell ya that them 8 inch trailer tires wont' work for long trips. 1700+ miles and mine is lookin good! speeds up to 80 mile an hour and no troubles at all! Bearings still in good shape too. Greased em good ever couple hunert miles and done just fine! Hope all yall are doin well, see ya later.