This is my Missy Bear. Stray no one could catch. Was killing my chickens and was going to shoot her but local rancher showed up. Told me about her and had someone that wanted her if I could catch her. Well I caught her and the ranchers friend had no use for her. Really shy around strangers, especially men. Think a man really abused her. Missing her left eye, MTY socket. Quit killing my chickens so couldn't shoot her any more! Got her eye sewed up, shots up to date, spayed and ended up keeping her, sweetest dog I ever had and I've had a bunch! Doesn't get in the truck and doubt she'd get in the boat so when me and the rest go fishing, she guards the place! really love this girl!

Gone but not forgotten is Bodie, outlaw on the first order.

And Bodie's buddy, Squirt. Also gone now.