Waters and Gated Canals
We as Louisiana sportsmen/women have been fighting an enemy that has invaded our waterways and is stealing our future generations fishing and hunting rights. This enemy comes dressed as friends in the form of big businesss offering jobs with a smile. More and more we are being gated out and out access to OUR public waterways are being stolen. As cajuns we have always just said' "Hey, there's plenty of places to fish and we'll just move on". Today that is not the case!! Our State leaders, for whatever reasons, seem unable or unwilling to defend our rights and just say that it costs too much to fight these issues, as is the case of Section 13 school board properties. Beginning with the Natural Resouce Committee that blocks every attempt to pass legislation to stem the tide of greed and corruption, all the while recieving millions of dollars from the 'BIG LAND' company's we must force the issue at the voting booths. OR,in exchange for increasing fees, coorporations are willing to give us access to OUR own public waterways; which rightfully are guaranteed to us under the Constution of both the United States and the State of Louisiana. This has reached a point where I feel we must ask Federal Legislators from through-out the country to come to our aid and help us as it seems our elected legislators and judges are powerless or unwilling to do. The State Land Office was mandated to re-map our 1812 waterways but then the BIG LANDOWNERS were given the privilige to over-see this process with the consent of our top leaders and we have yet to see the maps. We the little man can make a difference and have in many cases, many of which are now reaching the Federal level but we must all help in our own little way. I know, we all say what can one working stiff do? I say write them all, State and Federal. Send pictures of these gated and posted waterways that are now claimed as PRIVATE. Demand that, if it is not public, but public free flowing waters and our fish and game travel those waterways then dam the off completely or cover the over at the completion of the job as is doneon any other construction job. Demand that these things be done or face us at the voting booths.
Myself, as well as many others have been doing this very thing, with support coming in from through-out the country. Articles have appeared in out local newspapers, magazines such as La Sportsmen and Bass Masters, Web Sites blaze with our outcry, groups such as LCPA-WEST show us the way, petitions have been signed and ignored and still, BIG BUSINESS and OUR LEGISLATORS, sit on their throne and laugh at us and ask "WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE"!! Well , we are the BOSS, the voting masses, the people who can and will kick their buts out of office!! People such as myself and many others have risked their reputation and monies for this just cause; which we will win. PLEASE JOIN US!!! Raymond Bobo