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Thread: America Rising

  1. #11
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    the only change in 2010 will be even more seats lost in the house and senate to the Dems. EB

    If you believe this, you seriously need to lay off the meds.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by deathb4disco View Post
    Wanna bet? :D :D

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eager Beaver View Post
    Well Vonna! you should take that up with your buddy Karl Rove. He is the one that put Obama in the White House. The Republicans thought they could push Obama ahead of Hillery and him being Black, Muslim and with the name Hussen, would be a shoe in for any Republican running against him. After all they had a trifecta going with him. Well best laid plans as the saying goes. The dirty politic brigade won out and Obama was pushed past Hillery and won the primary. I wanted Hillery but settled for President Obama. So sit back and enjoy the next 3 years. Just remember it was the low underhanded tactic of your party that put him there. EB
    As alway, you regularly make sweeping assumptions and allegations regarding "my" party. Let's not ignore the massive degree of fraud perpetuated by ACORN, which Obama is neck deep in. Let's also not forget about what happened in the Nevada primaries so that Obama could get a leg up on Hillary. Of course, you being a Democrat and all, it's easier just to blame the Republicans.

    For the record, MY party is conservative and my vote has always been cast for the individual and how I perceive his/her morals and ethics, not to the party. An odd concept for you to grasp, I'm sure.
    Yes, I fish like a girl. If you tried a little harder, you could too!!

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyRazorhead View Post
    Let me ask you a question. What are you doing to help this country recover? Serving, volunteering, helping people that need it by giving jobs. Hell, most people now days won't even take care of their own family. Giving handouts just leads to more "hands out". I don't care if you're a repub or a dem, if you're not part of the solution you are part of the problem. It's time we vote out all these corrupt bastards and quit choosing between the lesser of two evils. It's still evil and we should not tolerate it. Wherever is it written that anyone owes us healthcare? Hell, I would like a new boat. Maybe the gov should get me one. We could all chip in and pay for it. And while we're at it get somebody to shovel the snow off my driveway while I go fishing.
    So you are going to die and leave ehind a family that needs you if you dont get a new boat? Interesting, I may try that one on my wife.
    I got 350 heads on a 305 engine.
    I get 6 miles to the gallon.
    I aint got no good intentions.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eager Beaver View Post
    Well Vonna! you should take that up with your buddy Karl Rove. He is the one that put Obama in the White House. The Republicans thought they could push Obama ahead of Hillery and him being Black, Muslim and with the name Hussen, would be a shoe in for any Republican running against him. After all they had a trifecta going with him. Well best laid plans as the saying goes. The dirty politic brigade won out and Obama was pushed past Hillery and won the primary. I wanted Hillery but settled for President Obama. So sit back and enjoy the next 3 years. Just remember it was the low underhanded tactic of your party that put him there. EB
    Truth be known, I was set to vote for McCain until Palin entered the picture. Talk about a radical! McCain was one of the few politicians I liked, not afraid to stray from the party line. I dont know how they got him to agree to such a far right running mate. My opinion, it cost him the election. The base that Palin appealed to was never going to vte for Obama anyway, all she accomplished was running of the moderates and independants that may have voted for McCain.
    I got 350 heads on a 305 engine.
    I get 6 miles to the gallon.
    I aint got no good intentions.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eager Beaver View Post
    It failed to mention how much the Republicans are helping this country to recover, Oh that's right, they aren't. They are just trying to keep any progress from happening for this administration. Guess what! it isn't happening. People can see what is really going on and the only change in 2010 will be even more seats lost in the house and senate to the Dems.
    Tell us one thing that the Republicans have done to help this country recover, fiscally, economically, spiritually, enviromentally, health wise, or anything. EB
    Kept some dim-o's at bay.
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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKyd View Post
    So you are going to die and leave ehind a family that needs you if you dont get a new boat? Interesting, I may try that one on my wife.
    Sarcasm, or an attempt at it. I just feel we should take care of our self and quit looking for someone else to do it. I firmly believe that self suffieciency
    and living within our means is what we have to do. I didn't mean any offense to anyone. (by the way, got the new boat 2 months ago----without the gov't help)

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyRazorhead View Post
    Sarcasm, or an attempt at it. I just feel we should take care of our self and quit looking for someone else to do it. I firmly believe that self suffieciency
    and living within our means is what we have to do. I didn't mean any offense to anyone. (by the way, got the new boat 2 months ago----without the gov't help)
    i agree with the self sufficiency part for sure. i beleive if your physically and mentally able then you should be able to support yourself. but personal sufficiency and the government being sufficent are 2 different things. i bet you cant name one president who ran the governement where it was self sufficient, and i gurantee you b-rock wont be the last to spend more then is coming in.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by crappiejohn View Post
    i agree with the self sufficiency part for sure. i beleive if your physically and mentally able then you should be able to support yourself. but personal sufficiency and the government being sufficent are 2 different things. i bet you cant name one president who ran the governement where it was self sufficient, and i gurantee you b-rock wont be the last to spend more then is coming in.
    There hasn't been one in my lifetime. Still does not make it right. There have been many in our history though. It is a shame we can't trust our own gov't AT ALL! If lips are moving, lies are being told. If hands are moving, somebody's being stabbed in the back. If whole bodies are moving, a Senator is doing someone elses wife!

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyRazorhead View Post
    There hasn't been one in my lifetime. Still does not make it right. There have been many in our history though. It is a shame we can't trust our own gov't AT ALL! If lips are moving, lies are being told. If hands are moving, somebody's being stabbed in the back. If whole bodies are moving, a Senator is doing someone elses wife!
    I definately agree, just wish everyone else would stop acting like this is the first time its happened.

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