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Thread: No Big Croaker nor Crappie

  1. #1
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    Unhappy No Big Croaker nor Crappie

    Hey Crappie Pros,
    I went to the James River Bridge pier up in VA last week and didn't catch a single big croaker that the folks were talking about. Didn't see anybody else catch em either. And I hadn't been catching any big crappie before I left.
    Guess that means I need to put away my poles and just vacuum the carpet, sweep the floor, clean the winders and wash clothes till fall. BOO HOO!
    Ms. Catfish

  2. #2
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    Hey Ms. Catfish. Sorry to hear that you didnt get any croaker up there. I was thinking of trying that this year but didnt get to it. Are they still supposed to be running now? I havent been catchin any crappie either but havent fished in couple weeks either. They were prolly bitin like $&ll to. HAHA Dont put the poles away just switch to brim. Get some worms.

  3. #3
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    Default No Big Croaker, No Crappie

    Fishcrazy, about this time of the year when the vacuum cleaner lets me loose, I go after catfish, flatheads and channel cats. I like two-three pounders, nothing big, but just good fillet size. I like to use pieces of shad for those guys when I can find some. I was hoping I'd find some nice-sized white bass but where I used to catch em real good -- at the Falls spillway -- has been taken over by Kayakers.
    I plan to try to get to the coast to try to land some Spanish mackeral in June, the Lord willing, if I can afford to buy the gas!
    I don't think I'll be going anywhere close to Bells church pier anymore, not with weird folks driving around in the parking lots at night.
    Ms. Catfish:rolleyes:

  4. #4
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    Yea Right..go after some other type of fish to get your luck back
    "Even a fish wouldn't get into trouble if he kept his mouth shut."

  5. #5
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    Default I saw the truck again last night

    I arrived at Bells around 8:30 and it was in the first parking lot just chilling with it's head lights on. There was only one other couple on the pier when i arrived. The truck left about ten minutes after I set up. He(?) pulled down to the main parking lot, I could see the "Southern..." decal on the passenger door. He parked for about 30 seconds and then left. He didn't come back.

    The other couple left and I was there solo for a few hours. A couple of groups should up round midnight. It was weird to have that pier to myself. I have never experienced that before. It was nice, but lonely as well. Anyway, I caught about 30 and took home 9. Now it's time to clean them.


  6. #6
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    Doesn't this person seem odd? I wish I was brave enough to just pull up and park beside him and get a better description of this person. My friends seem to think he is a loner and is an older male. I want to feel safe when I am out trying to enjoy fishing and this person is making it very unlikely for it to happen.

  7. #7
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    Have any of you reported this activity to the law? It doesnt sound quite right the way they are acting to me.

  8. #8
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    KEV, first what did you catch at Bells that night? Now about this "person" creeping around in that truck in the parking lot. Next time you see em call the sheriff or the game warden. It's hard enuf trying to catch fish when they ain't bitin anyway and even worse when you got to keep twistin your head around watchin for nuts at the same time.
    Ms. Catfish

  9. #9
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    Default Well, I left w/ nine keepers

    i think i caught about 25 in all. it was nice to have the WHOLE pier to myself for a few hours. When the crappie would stop bitting in one spot i would just move about 10 feet down and repeat when necessary. this was tuesday. last night i left with 2 after catching 10 almost back to back. i had the hot spot for about 20 minutes.

    you're right about calling the law and i did that last night. when i left bells around 9:30 he was in the upper parking lot with his headlights on. i'm not afraid so i pulled up real close to him and then backed up behind him. he was parked diagonal in the middle close to the wire fence by the woods seperating the two lots. i got his plate # even though it's a company truck. he didn't appreciate this so he put his truck in reverse but didn't move and neither did i. he sat with the truck in reverse for about 5 minutes and finally backed up to where he was perpendicular with my truck and kept backing up to where he was in front of me on my right. i saw his face. red hair white male with a mustache and goatee. he is not a park ranger. he tried to stare me down for a couple of seconds and then took off. i called 911 after that. told the dispatcher about what i thought was suspicious activity, gave her the plate number, and asked her to contact to sheriff's deputy to give them a heads up.

    not trying to speculate, but after they found that man floating in robeson creek two weeks ago, i really don't feel comfortable w/ this man just cruising the parking lots like he does. it is creepy.

    keep a look out y'all.


  10. #10
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    Thanks so much kevb!!!
    Thats exactly what I'm concerned about-- to much suspicious activity with this guy!
    We just might have to get a protective order out on this fellow and have him ban from the state parks & Lakes!!
    Lets all beware, until then I would at least take me a fishing partner........

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