I have done quite a bit of fishing with lights on several different lakes. I have used laterns, submerged wite and green lights. I really like laterns the best and here is why. Why you first fire up the laterns, you will draw every bug within 100's of yards. They will be thick at first but as they come in contact with the hot globe, they die and fall. I hang mine over the side so I don't have to deal with clean up. After a fairly short period, you will not have much problem with the bugs anymore. With the laterns you have usuable light to do things on board. With the submerged you are essentially fishing in the dark which I do not especially like. I also use a como of laterns and submerged. I can tell you that at different times of the year, you will draw in more shad. I have found that from mid summer on until October I see the most shad. I have seen them so thick on Jordan that it looked like I could walk on them. This brings in not only crappie but also catfish, stripers, and white bass. Hope this adds to the conversation.