I recently started a thread about what do you really want for Christmas. Well, all I want now is for my house to be back in order. On Tuesday night I was sitting in the living room with my daughter and 3 grandchildren when my daughter screamed "there is a fire in the kitchen!". I jumped up and ran into the kitchen to find one corner of the kitchen in flames. It seems that the toaster somehow came on by itself and ignited a bag of tortilla chips that was above it. I grabbed a fire extinguisher and put the fire out, but as I placed my hand on the toaster to get it out of the house it burst back into flames right in my face. I hit it again with the extinguisher and this time it didn't light back up. I called the fire department to come out and get the awful smoke out of the house and make a report. I know I am really lucky lucky because all that has to be replaced is the kitchen ceiling, the counter tops, a section of one wall, and the floor covering. My face didn't get burned to bad, it looked more like a bad sunburn that started peeling quickly. We had to stay in a motel Tuesday night due to the remaining smoke and the terrible smell. The reason I feel so lucky is because there's a couple familys in our area that had house fires and lost everything they had. Thank god for keeping all the people safe. From now on my small appliances will remain unplugged until they need to be used and then unplugged when I am done using it. My 2 year old grandson, Gregory, who I love with all my heart tried to get into the kitchen to help me. I had the grandkids and my daughter go into the other end of the house. My daughter said little Gregory kept calling for his Paw to get out of there. That little fellow is so special to me. I can't wait to get him on the lake this Spring and watch his face light up when he catches his first fish.

I hope each and everyone of you have a SAFE and Merry Christmas,
