The first tournament will be this Saturday from 8:00 to 1:00 out of Old State Park Ramp, weigh-in is at 1:30 and will be at the State Park North Shelter. If you are unsure of where the North Shelter is see the post titled Stockton winter series for information on the location of the North Shelter.

7 crappie with big fish pot.
You can catch your limit and just weigh-in your best 7.
Entry fee is $25 per boat plus $5 per person for big fish.
All state rules and regulations are required to be followed.

Club meeting will follow and we will have a grill going so bring your favorite meat and and you can use the grill to cook it.
You can also join the club at the meeting. We will be electing the officers to run and direct the club activities.
Club fee is $25 and this will keep you at the above entry fees for the remaining tournaments, we do allow non club members to fish however your entry fee will be $35 for the rest of the tournaments. Club fees plus $5 per boat for member and $10 per boat for non member go to the club to support the fish fry's, prizes, awards, etc...

This is a fun and relaxing club and open to anyone who would like to join.