Hey all. Long time no chat. I have a quick question for you.

I have a dock de-icer. It works well. Maybe too well, as you will see.

Recently we had 10 inch ice on our lake, yet I had maybe 75 to 100 yards of open water off our dock and others on our side did as well. Well.....a nice 30MPH wind came along and blew that ice from the west side of the lake into my dock and other's as well on the east side. As you might imagine, it did considerable damage.

I cannot remove my dock in the winter due to the size, etc.

Anyway, my question is, is there something I can attach to my dock sort of as giant bumpers to give the dock a cushion even IF the ice whacks it again? I was thinking maybe 30-50 gallon drums with some sand in the bottom so they sink down a bit, but otherwise only full of air, lashed to the dock strategically. Anyone have anything better or clear evidence that my foolish idea is either truly foolish or foolproof????

Thanks in advance. Pictures are always nice if you have something installed I can mimic.
