in the same basket as joy riders or Spawn only crappie folks. Most have no respect. I took on water AGAIN last night from a skier using what I'm sure ws daddy's boat. super nice Ski Nautique with music blairing out like crazy. Bet they were closer than 50 feet from me and going fairly slow. They had a skier on one of those Boards so they MAY have been going 15-20 MPH. Was sitting their fising around a channel marker and here they came form about a 1/2 mile away, STRAIGHT AT ME. Water was about 6 inches deep as it came over into the boat and then pushed me into the channel marker almost breaking my favorite B & M. Better be glad they didn't come back, the MOON woulda been a rising. EAT POO AND BARK AT THE MOON HOOOOWWWWLLLLLLL LOL