If you're definitely gonna be at Crankfest 2023 (https://www.crappie.com/crappie/miss...nkfest-2023-a/) on Saturday, please post your shirt size here in this thread. You may just get something with crappie.com on it at the event. Might be a t-shirt, might be something else, I dono, I'll have to check my inventory. But you do have to be at the event to get it.

At this point, I don't think I'll be attending. Billbob is still on the mend, and I would just feel back without being able to bring him. Besides, I'm in the middle of a refresh of a 1996 Jeep with 250k miles on it. A little summertime project to keep me busy in a cool garage instead of melting in the Florida heat. I'm rebuilding the transmission now. Wish me luck, I've only done this twice before in my yout.

I'm gonna close this thread after a dozen or so entrants, so hurry up, post your shirt size if you're definitely going to Mississippi Crankfest 2023. And please post only for yourself, joining and posting is free, so your buddy can post for himself anywho. Have fun all, post pics.