Tested the truck transmission, Saturday & Sunday. Worked well both times.

Went 2/2 @ Muskegon in the morning, and then 0/1 with the wife Saturday evening.

Pulled lines @ 8pm, and then motored into Muskgon, to Heritage Landing. The Unity Christian Rock Festival, was wrapping up, and the last act was on at 8:45. She got to watch "For King & Country" preform.
She was going to go with a friend, and those plan fell apart, so I thought it would be a nice surprise. Got a hold of a friend who lives on Muskegon, asked if we could hear the concert from the boat.

Well he filled me in on where to go to see the "Big Screen", so that is where we went. We anchored where she could see the big screen, hear the music, sing along, and I scored BONUS BROWNIE POINTS for future fishing.......

Sunday, I ended up with Skillet, we went back to Muskegon, and ended up 2/4.
the two we lost were not our fault, and are attributing them to equipment malfunction, and though not our fault. So we were really 2/2. Skillet had a Diver get hit, he grabs the rod, looks at me and goes "I'm setting the hook" and give it a YANK" Hook is set right? Well its tugging and fighting, and we realized that the stupid diver did not release. IT popped to the surface, and when it released it created slack, and the fish was gone. Was a nice fish from what we saw of it.

Then it was some ribbing on my part, then what happens. A rigger on my side goes off. Getting it close to the boat, and then NOTHING! the line broke, but it was about 47 foot from the tackle. I lost a paddle, meat rig, and a spoon. Oh yeah, then we think that the "Slider" slid down got tangled, into the line, created a crease, and broke the line. Mental note, No sliders unless they have a leader of some sort.
Skillet's sitting there contemplating what to say and I said it first. "Well, its your turn, you should be picking on me by now." and we laughed & he commenced.

A little later a Slide diver goes off and I have a Greaser/Mud Chicken/Lake Trout, one in the box.

We decided to pull lines, and Skillet has another greaser on his down rigger. No idea how long we had been dragging that thing around, but now 2 in the box.

Was a riot, lots of ribbing, karma, and some rolling on the back deck laughing.......from one simple question...... You must ask Kevin in person for that story.......
I myself was on the back deck LAUGHING at the answer.

We also spent THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS, in our conversations, from truck mirrors, to graphs, what we need to catch fish, how our dream boat's are designed, and designed out, and networked, etc.
Correction, maybe it was a couple hundred thousand...... lol

In all a good time,


PS Ready2Fish, Skillet & I want a ride in your boat on a regular day @ Lake Mi to see how it compares. You should have plenty of time. Assuming you can get that dang door done.........
Steve picks on me for how long it took me to get my garage done, and you have been at this slider how long?????????? Much longer and your going to make me look like I know what I'm doing.........

Imaging that.....