Okay, so we have narrowed down the dates of the Spring camp to the weekend of June 10th and 11th. Now we need a place to go.

Originally, we were looking at lake Missaukee as a possible venue. There were however a few issues with that location. One being that the campground is actually part of the county parks department and, for lack of a better term, their reservation system sucks (not really a system). The main issue however is the fact that they require a MINIMUM of 4 nights stay.

SOOO, that place is definately OUT!

We were trying to find something centrally located for this years camp but we are having a rough time of it.

If ANYONE has any ideas, now would be the time to throw them out there.

Basically asking for any ideas, locations we have not been, locations we have been but we might want to go back to. We are trying to find someplace other than Hardy. Not that we don't like Hardy, just that we have been there for a few years now and are looking for a bit of a change.