Quote Originally Posted by smashdn View Post
I do not. Can you direct me to somewhere I could purchase one? If you've read through the thread you can probably tell I am not opposed to spending money if it will cure or prevent this issue.

So, I looked a little bit on amazon. How do you know how much pressure is enough? Where is the intake for the pressure gauge? This is only a problem at idle for me.

Also, since this is a hunting boat, does the tube that goes from motor to gauge fill with water or is it just water pushing on air? How does it work (or not) if the water in the tube freezes?
I have one from Sierra, Bass Pro has them on the shelf, they come as a kit with everything you should need. Even if it doesn't help your issue, it's a good thing to have since it will show issues with the cooling system before they become a big problem.

I don't know about ice. They include a rubber tube that will not rupture, I fish all winter and don't have any issues, but not on the real cold days. My boat is not in a heated garage. Worst case, I think the gauge just wouldn't work. For the most part I think the hose is full of air.

There is usually a plug in the cylinder head that can be removed for the gauge. The kit will come with a hose barb and stuff to put it in.

All motors are different, but 0-40psi is pretty standard. My old Merc would only make 8psi wide open, my Suzuki just barely pushes the needle off the stop at idle, and sits around 15-20 psi at cruise.

Is the alarm seemingly random, or is there a specific set of conditions that make it repeatable?