Well a new crew comes down to fish with Capt Dave and Capt Mike (me) on a cloudy windy wet weekend. The rain however is light when it happens and that is not to often. Warm weather makes it better as times the mist was refreshing. We caught all kinds of fish and stayed up in the Dragon most of the time. A big 12 lb bluecat was a great fight on spinnerbait. It threw up acorns while awaiting its fate on the cleaning table. Lots and lots of good sized white perch where also caught and some kept. Here is Capt Dave's crew with a couple nice fish. One is a wee bit bite.

Did we mention how much fun bowfin where before.. wow what a great sport fish. I lost two spinnerbaits to them and a few worm hooks.

This crew will be back next year for sure.

Capt Mike
Capt Dave