After some home cooking we selected fishing positions.

On the front of the boat, Mustafa. On the back of the boat, Mustafa? Come on now, what are the odds? Two Johns, two Mikes, Jims, Bobs but...two Mustafas? They told me to refer to them as M1 and M2, so that I did. It made it much easier for me. M2 had NEVER fished before. A few lessons after we launched and coaching from M1 during the evening and by the end of the night, you would have thought he been fishing for years. M1 got on the board first. M2 had a few hits and misses due to his lack of knowing when to set the hook. Then, he caught his first bass ever, and on a top water bait at that. Smiles all around, especially for M1 who is definitely trying to spread his own love of fishing to his friends. Always a pleasure to see M1 and enjoy his infectious attitude towards fishing.

Capt Dave