Quote Originally Posted by bulldog007 View Post
What is the best water temp for fall crappie fishing? Or what temp puts them into creeks? Thanks
Don't know about a "best" temp, but once the water starts to cool to the low 70s and below, they start to move toward shallower water to feed. I have been catching them in the creek arms and feeder creeks all year, even in the summer. Of course the creek arms I fish in my home lake have 15'-20' of water reaching a good distance back into them, but we caught a bunch of keepers Saturday out of a new laydown in about 6' of water about 3/4 of the way back into a creek arm. They were right in the middle of the thick leaves and small twiggy branches, hiding out in the shade. Had to drop it right in through the 6" openings and drag 'em out through the jungle. Water temp was 69-70 degrees around the tree. The shad are moving into the creeks, so the crappie are too. I was suprised to find them that far back already, but I can't pass up a tree that has recently fallen. A few guys I fish tournaments with have been catching the big ones in the feeder river of the same lake too. Most of the river is 10 feet or less deep, so obviously they have moved into the creeks already. Here in Ohio at least.