Back in the day, my Granpa built a long handled net that we used to dip Silversides with at night .... Coleman lantern over the side of the wooden rowboat, me at the bow sculling us along the bank, and him dippin them up as they followed along in the light. Caught many a Crappie on them lil fellers.
Fast forward a couple decades and I used the net to catch some Silversides in the wee hours of the morning. Then a buddy and I proceeded to clean out a nest of Crappie in a brushpile just inside a little cut. Got down to the last half dozen or so of the recently deceased ones & decided to cut them in half in order to share them and fish a bit longer. Whenever my buddy would finally lose his "half" I would ask ..... "heads or tails" and give him the requested half. We had a good laugh over that and continued to catch Crappie on the halves until there were no more heads or tails.

Fast forward a few more decades, homemade net long gone, I happened upon the BassTrix Flash Trix ... a very close imitation of those good 'ole Silverside minners, and have used them on occasion to trick Crappie into believing they were about to munch down on those tasty morsels, only to discover a #2 Aberdeen hidden within.