Quote Originally Posted by Ketchn View Post
Educate me , what is mono in this brand , or do they even sell it ?

They sell lots of mono. I have used the Super Trout Sight Edition and really liked it. Then they came out with Super Trout Advance Twitch Master VLS which is a very low stretch mono. This stuff I absolutely love. It is thin diameter, great sensitivity, and lays really nice on the spool. It comes in 3,4,5,6, and 8#test. I have one reel that I have had spooled up with 4# test for 17 months. I will usually change out line way before that but this is my test bed. Even after that length of time on the reel there is very little spool memory, and when testing the breaking strength it still breaks at 4# test. Varivas has a big assortment of mono.
