Hello everyone. Im doing fine for the moment, but the Im about to begin this road Im set to travel. Ill be doing 7 weeks of 5 days a week radiation starting tomorrow. Also have appt with the oncologist tomorrow so Ill find out if chemo is going to be used also. My tumor is in my right tonsil and is less than 1 cm and the affected lymph nodes are less than 3cm. The treatment is more accurate than in years past and I wont be roasted from the clavicle north like they used to do. Im still feeling good and my prognosis is good with lots of positive things coming from the doctors.
Im also convinced that my prayer chain participants are making a definite difference, and I thank each and every one of yall for having my interests and health in your thoughts and prayers. The power of prayer is real. Its also a comfort when the mind starts running wild. My spirits are good and Im looking forward to all this being behind me. Im hoping that all of you reading this are in good health and spirits too. Ill update in a few weeks and let yall know whats shakin. When you fish, take some pics and post them so those of us that cant go have something to look at. Til next time.Tim