I think that the powers that be have been lying about inflation for several years now. It is the norm for me to look into buy something and it's WAY up over just a couple or few years ago. Everything from a $15 item to a $50k item. As for boats, yes, used prices are way up, too. Prices on new trucks are just stupid. Housing market, as well.

Bought a steak lately?

On top of inflation, parts shortages could do us all in. I have a friend in industry who sells industrial chain and he is, literally, fearful that the wheels are going to fall off of the economy in a catastrophic way due to you can't get parts and he fears a domino effect kicking in. He says all of his contacts in industry are thinking the same, that it's happening all over. As for how that applies to this thread, I suppose I could surmise that if one finds something in working order, better buy it if you really want it.

Regarding new boats, I talked to a guy who sells motor homes and he said they normally keep 250 units on the lot and they have 15. He said a car dealer is in the same boat, scuze the pun. And boat dealers, the same, very little stock on hand.