Quote Originally Posted by skeetbum View Post
Good video SK. Enjoyed the fact that it isn’t always cut and dried and you had to dig into what I call “your bag of tricks”. Without one of those there are a lot of fishless trips. I was taught to deep jig like you do by a friend when I lived in TN. It’s a lot of fun and your tips are spot on. Fishing a dead stick produced more than any other style, and bigger bodies helped us weed through the smaller fish. Another friend and I launched in 24* and 27* and caught fish both times, so our comfort means nothing as to if the fish will bite or not. About 3 hours in those temps and always windless conditions was about all we could stand til we got cold to the core and had to go. But it was always worth it. Never know if ya never go!
No doubt.....I like the added challenges when the conditions are tough..... That's when you get to try several different techniques and add knowledge to that bank of tips and tricks.....
Thanks for the positive uplifting comment......