Crazy is all relative. Most on this site fit in this category one way or the other. But this if for sure: Most fishermen and women i have me on the water are good people.They share the same craziness as we do and often will help or offer help out of the goodness of their heart. The day before Christmas Eve I was on our local lake and my batteries were dead (due to a broken wire I found out later). Not knowing what the problem was, a local guy gave me a circuit breaker to replace on the batteries. As i was getting it from him, another fisherman (a total stranger) pulled up next to my boat and "hopped in it" He went to the batteries and removed the circuit breaker and after a bit of checking he declared the batteries were dead. I had a friend with me and I was really embarrassed about my situation. Headed back to the house and took batteries out and saw the broken connection. We put on a new connector but the on board charger had not charged the batteries due to the broken wire. Headed to a local marine dealer and he did not have the batteries in stock but he had 2 from his own boat and gave them to me to use until after the holidays. Head back home, put the batteries in and everything is working. Head back to our spot and we caught 13 crappie in just a few hours. My friend in the boat with me was in total awe (as was I) of the kindness of fellow fishermen offering to help us out. And then the Marine dealer letting me borrow 2 batteries was icing on the cake. I was just blown away by everyone offering to help. Yes, we are all some kinda crazy, but in a wonderful kind of way though.
You can bet I will offer any help to anyone I see on the water. I have in the past and will continue to do so in the future.