You may like this story.

My buddy and I were fishing LOZ. We were catching crappies by tossing cranks to a certain rock bluff. No kidding... these 2 guys pulled in between us and the bluff. If we had continued casting we would be casting over their boat. So my buddy says "watch this". He changed to a larger crank and tossed over their boat. On the retrieve he brought it up the side and into their boat. Well it was situated just right to snag their net. So... he drug it back to our boat. The loud mouth one got furious about it. My buddy told him to calm down because that was his guide fee for putting them on fish. He got even more angry and asked him for his name. My buddy says "you don't need it". The loud mouth says "I'm going to the police and report the theft. Then they will need your name to get in touch". My buddy says "No problem. When you get there just tell them it was officer badge number 105. They know how to get a hold of me." (Yes he indeed is a local police officer). The boat with the rude idiots started to leave so he threw the net back toward them and then proceeded to hand them their a**es for being inconsiderate morons. We still laugh about that day.