OK, I'm sure this question has been asked a bazillion times on here but I'm gonna ask again. I like braid, and I hate braid.

I like it cause it's strong as heck - we have gar here in FL that eat through line like it's a wet noodle.
I like it cause it does not stretch - you can see the crank bait action, which tells you how it's working and whether there's weeds on it.
I hate braid cause it tangles so easy - wind knots, around rod tip, in your other lines crankbaits treble hook.

I always use fluorocarbon leader. Swivel to snap, and on goes the crank bait kinda thing.

I'm interested in about 14lb test line, and I'd like it to be stiff like mono (if there's anything like that in a braid). Don't care if it's thin or not as I don't/can't fish very deep here in FL anyway. Anything like it? Thanks for your help. Best answer wins a prize! Something a little Crappie, Crappie.com to be specific. lol