Launched at Highway 2 and fished several hours with several small bites that barely moved the rod tip. Then we fished by the bridge and caught one dink. We moved down to fish the area from the old State Park to Jakes. After a dozen colors of Jig tails we found that BLUE THUNDER was what was wanted for Jigs, But Shiners Ruled. I used a Dropper about 10 inches above the Jig with just a Shiner. I put 16 Crappie in the Boat, with 12 of them being Keepers. The Bar Fish are on the large size and i caught about 10 of them.. The depth they bit at was 22 to 24 feet in 35 FOW ... We caught all of them in about 3 Hours. Bro Caught 3 Catfish and no Crappie. If we had not had Shiners we might have caught 5. Dont Forget the Sun Screen, Bro looks like a Red Delishous Apple