I took the wife and kids (5 and 2) out to "The Dead Sea" yesterday evening for a few hours. First couple spots, which looked like dandy's, turned up nothing. About an hour before dark, I ran down to my favorite brush pile (undisclosed location ��) and instantly started pulling out slabs. 8 in total off a single pile. Almost unheard of down there. All were females and full of eggs. Smallest was 11 inches and biggest was around 13. She was so fat, she wouldn't fit in my crappie checker! Can't get pictures to load. Last couple trips, I can barely buy a bite off a minnow by itself. Mayfly and red/black jigs tipped with a minnow or a crappie nibble have been the ticket for me. Kids had a blast boat riding and playing with the minnows. Gotta get back out when I knock a few things off the honey do list.