Well I will go ahead and post about trips 3 and 4 tonight. I decided to try to find a spring fed area in the backwater of Wheeler so last Friday I got up before daylight and headed out...packed up the kayak and fishing stuff real quick that morning and was sitting in the kayak at the bank by daylight, when I realized I had forgotten my paddle. I do get to blame this on the work I am doing in my garage right now, nothing is in its right place. So I make a few cast from the bank and head home, to work in the garage with a determination to have a good trip Saturday morning. Well I clean up in the garage Friday and get the kayak loaded and truck backed in the garage Friday night, make sure I have my life jacket and paddle. Organize my baits that night and tie on what I plan to fish with...knowing this will be a good trip. Next morning I am back at the same launch spot at daylight. I launch out hunting the colder spring water. Well in my search I am fishing and breaking in a new rod and reel, seems like all my casts are a little off and I am hanging up a lot. I go in to get my lure off a bush and just about have it loose when I am covered in red wasps. I am getting stung in the face arms, legs, shoulder, and chest under my life jacket. I can not paddle fast enough to get away from the wasps, so I roll off the kayak into the water for relief. I am lucky I am not allergic to wasp stings like other members of my family. I stay in the water up to my nose while the wasp settle some, then manage to fish my 2 rods and paddle back from just a couple of feet of the nest and paddle back to the launch site. I head back home to work in the garage again. Now I believe working in the garage allowed me to sweat out the wasp poison and by night I can not tell I have been stung. Now after 4 trips like this I am still eager to get back on the water, but I do think I will finish the Garage redo before I do much more fishing.