I own one and made a pivoting pole attachment for my boat that mounts next to my steering wheel. In terms of finding fish its awesome. In terms of finding your jig deeper than 15 ft its not that great. Usually showing as a tiny speck moving up and down. When i use it with the ice fishing pole and bag it is MUCH better since you are a lot more stationary. I make and manufacture the 8 deg offset shim that brings the transducer back down to level and have had Livescope since last October. My pole can withstand 20 mph in a boat (forgot to put it back up), but its pretty slick for finding fish. I spent a week at El Dorado and i can tell you just about every tree there is holding crappie, just not the numbers you would think. I did find one or two trees holding quite a few. It shines a lot better in water under 15ft but with the flooding and debris in the water clarity wasnt the best. I caught a monster wiper at Glen on the ice this year and i saw the school swim by my casting spoon, saw the fish turn and nail it. You can tell what species they are when you are dialed in. I kept the lowrances on my rig and still use the side/down scan, mapping of those in combination with the Garmin. if you can anchor/spot lock on something it will help but you will still have to constantly scan around to find fish not directly below you.