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I need to get a glass filter that I can lay over top of these before taking the shot. Tanic stained would be nice. Lay it over top and the jigs would disappear and then we could see what they really look like underwater. LOL

Anyways, I wanted to get some experience and make some jigs to gift to the club and I have done that. I doubt those old farts will appreciate any of it, but a few of the few good guys in the club surely will. Most show up at the last minute, eat and leave right away. Afraid someone might ask them to do something. I excuse anyone over the age of 97 from having to help, but them guys that ain’t but 92 should get their butts in early and set up tables and such. They were excited to see me come along, but only for this reason I suspect.

Now I plan to sort through the piles of jigs and cherry pick a few for me to keep at the ready. I am fond of a few and wish to copy them later lest I forget what I like. I am thinking that the men should have to pay something, so they can pay the club their money.

Years ago a man in the club began making jigs for the club, and the club was so pleased that they paid for his tools and materials and stuff. Then he died or moved away or something and all that stuff was gathered up and brought to the club. Then the club decided that Old So-N-So would be the new jig maker and they gave him all of the stuff. Then he decided that the stuff was actually intended for him and a few select buddies of his. The club got no more jigs. Then along comes me and soon everything will change. The club doesn’t have to give me anything at all, but I might be sporadic in my supply too though. They get what they get.

I lose about three jigs a year to toothie beasts lurking in the depths. I make a lot of jigs. So it is good to have a place to dump the ones that I used to like. Sort of similar to women I guess. Years ago after a golf tournament, Lee Travino had won and the men gathered at the bar there and listened as he described what happened at the various holes. Then right in the middle of it all, this drop dead gorgeous woman walked past and everyone got quiet and everyone stared at the beautiful woman. After she had passed by in review and walked away, Lee said-“Men…….somewhere there is a man that is tired of that”. The crowd erupted in laughter because they all knew it was true. My attraction to my jigs is short lived. Pretty now, but soon I grow weary and want something new. Fickle maybe.