Quote Originally Posted by CPR View Post
I failed to mention you may need to have in place the Constitution & By-Laws which govern the club as well. This is all free to do and it protects the club and it's members..
These are only suggestions that i feel the will not only be beneficial to the club and it's member's, but set in place a soild foundation for the future of IndianaSlabMasters.
Not sure what you are talking about here? We have written rules for the club already. We had a very successful 2011 season with out any issues and with as many tournaments we held and all 100+ members coming at one time or another I can't see what it is we need to add to our already written rules?
We welcome any suggestions you have I guess I don't understand this one? We will be having an open meeting in January so everyone can pay their 2012 membership dues and we can discuss anything that needs to brought up.
