Well hit clinton yesterday 2/6/16 with brother in law and we was one fish away from limiting out.We put in at the marina and was on the water by 9:30. At first we was unsure were to even start cause it was only my second time on clinton. And the first time was at night catfishing. Well at first we shot up to a bank a little south west of the (dewitt?) bridges. We were looking in around 15-20' of water and we saw fish on the fishfinder but with the wind couldn't get anything to bite. So we packed up and went up to the northeast corner and worked along that bank with no success until we came up to a section of branches laying on the bank out to water that was approx. 6'. We ended up pulling out 3-4 decent crappie so we decided we needed to target laydowns in a decent depth of water. So we cruised along east shore looking but everything was too shallow. We kept heading south along that east bank until we hit the bank on the south end. We found a couple laydowns on that bank that held 1-3 fish each but the laydowns held more fish if it was in 4' or more of water. So again we went on the search and went to a cove directly west of marina. On the south end of cove it had a big oak tree laying in the water but to shallow so went towards the north and theirs a tree with multiple branches coming up out of water setting in 10'-12' of water. You had to finagle your pole into it,then drop to bottom then slowly work it back up stopping occasionally at different depths to give them time to inspect the jig. On that note i was using a 1/16 ounce weedless jig I make in blaze orange glow and then a crappie thunder in junebug/chart.
My brother in law was using similar setup but I believe a Brushpile jig body in purple/chart? Well we pulled out multiple crappie out of that one tree with some pushing 11-12"s. Then we pretty much dried that tree up after camping on it for about two hours So then directly twenty yards east of that tree theirs a oak tree laying in the water that was still in 7-8' so we tried it. Well we got in them again with some more in the 11-12" range. And again we until we couldnt get any bites.So again went on the search,we pulled out of that cove and went south to what my brother in law said was route 10 cove. It had several standing trees in it and was marking fish,but only a few takers and nothing with any size. It was around three thirty so we decided to call it a day since it would end a great day on the lake. Not real sure the water temp in the areas we fished.But i hope this helps cause there biting on Clinton.