Maybe I was just raised different.

I know the guy saw it at 7 am. I know he didn't call or attempt to reach anybody at all. His response of "not my problem dude" was his response during an interview of possible witnesses/suspects. All was done before divers had verified the vehicle was not occupied. The call came from another set of fisherman who were putting in at 11:00. I spoke with them also. They were told by the first guy to "watch out for the truck in the water".

As far as what I would and wouldn't have done; I have spent the last 32 years standing the gap. 20 in the military and 11 in Civilian Law Enforcement. I've been a victim, held a victim, rescued and recovered many victims. Now guess again. I stop, I call. Could be that I am willing and prepared, could be I am wired to stick my nose in. The other half is not always thrilled but we stop. The only way I don't stop is if it puts her in harms way. I will still call from a distance.

This has been beat enough . I can only hope that the sportsmen I claim to be part of, will do the right thing.... make the call. Countless people have been saved and cases solved because someone took the time and had the guts to make a simple phone call.